Thursday, January 22, 2009

Agony of Defeat!

Zac has been training for 7th/8th grade Middle School Wrestling and they had their first meet the other day, Tuesday. They ended up winning against Riverside Middle School in Fishers, but Zac did not win his match :(

Here is Zac ready to start the match. He has a good look of determination in his walk! Slimming down, watching his weight and reaching his goal to get from 144 to 140. He went out there looking great and giving it his all for Jr. Varsity.

His opponent looked a bit bulkier...but he must have had just the experience and the bulk to keep Zac down. I hope that Zac used it as a learning experience and still continues to strive to do his best!

Needless to say Mom & Dad are really proud of him :) Win or Loose...the boy has been giving it his best effort and that is what is most important!

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